What A Focus On Christ Does To A Pastor, By Archbishop Idahosa

The Archbishop of Church of God Mission International (CGMI), Most Rev. Margaret E. Benson-Idahosa (OON) has said that “Focus on Christ will help us comprehend or understand the breadth, length, dept, height of his love, so we might be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:18-19). The world and our churches need ministers who are full of God and not those partially filled.”
Idahosa gave this explanation while delivering her welcome speech at the International Pastors’ Conference held at Balm of Gilead, Sapele Road, Benin City, January 7th to 11th, 2025.
She said the CGMI theme for year 2025, “FOCUS ON CHRIST FOR HIS IMMEASURABLE AND INFINITE LOVE, is a new dimension to our work and walk with the Lord this year. There is so much of this love we are yet to know, and so much to do with what we know of this love.”
Delivering his Keynote Address, the CGMI Head of Cabinet, Bishop Dr. F. E. Benson Idahosa said “God has commanded us to take bold steps of faith this year, and we will, in the name of Jesus. We need to increase the scope of our vision this year because vision lets you see beyond where you can look.”
The week-long event featured the graduation of 151 students from All Nations For Christ Bible Institute, under its 81st graduation ceremony held in its 56 years of existence as an institution.
Also, there was a graduation ceremony of students from Global Missions Academy while another set of students graduated from Special Vocation Bible School (SVBS).
All the institutions are off-shoots of CGMI which will be holding its Bi-Annual MEGACON from August 4th to 10th 2025 at same venue.
The conference attracted CGMI and non-CGMI pastors from across the world.