Archbishop Idahosa Advocates A United Nigeria

The Presiding Archbishop of Church of God Mission International (CGMi), Archbishop Magaret Benson-Idahosa says Nigeria is better off as one united country than a divided and broken country as is being canvassed by some people.
Speaking at the on-going 3rd Mega Convention (MEGACON 2021) held at Balm of Gilead City, Sapele Road, Benin City from August 3rd to 8th, the first notable female Archbishop in Africa said a divided Nigeria would be a threat to evangelism as it would mean requiring a visa to travel to another part of Nigeria to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. She said countries that had broken up in the past such as Sudan and others were yet to recover from the negative effects of disintegration. CGMi has as its motto, “Evangelism Our Supreme Task”.
Idahosa emphasized that Jesus Christ came for the unity of everyone-Jews, Gentiles, Greeks, and all tribes.
“Yoruba is not going. Ibo is not going. We will remain one as a country,” she said, stating that Jesus Christ had broken the walls of partition.
Idahosa decried the spate of insecurity in the country, and a situation where children have become afraid of going to school and people have become afraid of embarking on road travel for fear of being kidnapped. She said she was tired of hearing such news on a daily basis.
She warned those whose responsibility it is to manage the situation but have looked the other way; those who go to the media to read lies to the people as speeches and show lack of concern towards the situation because their children are abroad.
“Their days are numbered,” she said adding that “if they fail to leave in peace, they will leave in pieces.”
Taking a Bible text from Jeremiah 33:3, she called on the church in Nigeria to rise up and speak peace, equity, equality and justice to the nation.
Idahosa further led intensive prayers against evils of the land of Nigeria, with prayers for good governance.
The theme of MEGACON 2021 is “Focus On Chrsit To Discover & Fullfill Prupose.”