What The Issue Of Blood Is Doing To You

What The Issue Of Blood Is Doing To You
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Once you hear the expression, “issue of blood,” your mind goes to the Bible and the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34. Unfortunately, someone reading this article has the issue of blood and can hardly find peace or make headway in life until it is resolved.

Blood is so important and powerful that without blood, a human being cannot live. Blood has voice. That’s why the blood of Abel was speaking in Genesis 4:10 even after his body had been killed and he was no longer on earth.

In case you have done to someone what Cain did to Abel, the blood of your victim(s) is still speaking against you, except if you have done the needful to restore positivity to your destiny.

Did you enter a blood covenant with someone that you would marry the person and you ended up violating the covenant? You have an issue of blood contending with your destiny. You cannot wish it away and peace may never be found until you do the needful. If you once promised someone that you would marry the person without any plans to do so and it eventually led to the person’s depression and eventual death, you have an issue of blood before you.

Are you spilling people’s blood or doing ritual killing to make money? Oh! Your destiny is truncated. Have you or are you spilling people’s blood on behalf of a politician or people that will pay you for assassination or kidnapping job? You have the issue of blood to contend with and blood is not water. It is thicker than water.

Have you sacrificed the life of a blood relative just to acquire material wealth? Sorry. You can never know peace because you have an issue of blood to contend with.

Have you lured someone to leave his or her source of income or livelihood, under the pretence that you would provide a better life status for the person, only to leave the victim jobless, hopeless and poor? There is an issue of blood here.

Did you share out of the budgetary allocations meant for building or fixing a hospital or a road and the project was eventually either half executed or abandoned? Friend! The blood of accident victims on such roads and lost pregnancies through miscarriage from gallopy roads, as well as patients that died out of lack of basic facilities or hospitals, are crying out for justice because of your abominable crimes.

Did you have enough resources to assist someone and the person eventually fell ill and died because you refused to do so, you have an issue of blood.

Did you have an initiation into a group, involving the spilling of blood and confession of declaration of loyalty? My dear, you have an issue of blood hovering over you. Did you undergo a blood initiation into a cult group? That was a baptism. You need a superior baptism to nullify the one you have done. That is the only way to liberation.

“I am the way, the truth and the life…” (John 14:6)

Have you been disrespectful to your biological parents? You cannot live long. You have an issue of blood to tackle (Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:2).

Maybe I have not or did not mention your own particular case. You know yourself. You know that all this while, it has been that the more you are struggling to find peace, the less you are progressing in finding it. Opportunities are coming your way. Doors are even opening and you are walking through them but the issue of blood has kept you in a state of circumlocution you cannot explain. You have this restlessness in life and spiritual confusion that you cannot understand. Explanation is here. The blood of that victim(s) speak and will continue to speak against you and your efforts until you silence it with a superior blood sacrifice.

You have been moving from one fetish priest and shrine to the other for various sacrificial cleansing exercises and fortification. Let me inform you that there have been fetish priests, who heard this message, and set their shrines on fire and surrendered their lives to Christ the Saviour. Sorry! You are under the devil’s captivity, seeking help from people who need help themselves. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can save you. Until you do the needful, your spiritual confusion and lack of peace will remain in the midst of your abundant material wealth. People see you and assume you are good. They even envy you because of the affluence you display. My dear, there is no way you can find inner peace until you do the needful. Be reminded that you did not create yourself (Psalm 100:3). Only Jesus Christ can give you a guaranteed lasting peace (John 14:27).

There is a blood that speaketh better things than the blood of Abel or any other human being or animal (Hebrew 12:24). It is THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST shed on the cross of calvary to nullify every other covenant, purge you of sins and deliver you from the frustrated life you are experiencing after the blood-shedding you did. There is hope for you but life is open to choices. If you have chosen to ignore this message and remain on the path of destruction, it is a choice (Proverbs 14:12). Fruitless and miserable life continues. After all, it was not everyone available as at the time, that benefited from healings and other miracles of Jesus when he was physically present on earth. Only THOSE THAT BELIEVED had their lives changed. The grace for salvation has appeared to all men (Titus 2:11) but only those who accept it get saved.

Do you have an issue of blood and intend to get liberation and a new life? The very first step to liberation is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour (if you believe).

“That if thou shalth confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).

To start the journey to freedom, say this prayer:

“Lord Jesus! I come to you as I am. Please, forgive me my sins. I believe you suffered, died for my sins and resurrected that I may be saved. Purge me with your blood. I confess you Jesus as my Lord and saviour. Thank you for taking over my life from today in Jesus name. Amen!


You are born again but there is more you need to know.


Pastor Chiedu Albinus

Church of God Mission International

+ 234 8038117704

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Albinus Chiedu

Albinus Chiedu

Albinus Chiedu is a journalist, aviation media consultant, events management professional, life development coach, researcher, marriage columnist and author, Bible teacher and preacher. He has practiced journalism since 2000.

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